Webists from the "Webism Group of Worldwide Artists" meet eye to eye

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WEBISM International Climate Change Show at Kornhaus Kempten, organized/curated by I. Kamerbeek


Two VIP WEBISM members met in Neufahrn (Munich) in the framework of Brigitte Hoppstock's "Open Studio Days" 2010

Brigitte Hoppstock (rh), Neufahrn (Munich)/Germany and Ingrid Kamerbeek, Garmisch-Partenkirchen/ Germany surrounded by Brigitte's great artworks dressed in two flags (part of the "PEACE & LOVE flag project" initiated by professor Victor Vidal from Copenhagen, Denmark) in the framework of Brigitte's "Open Studio Days" on November 20/21, 2010.

Here's one more "flag pic": the nice husbands of Brigitte (Lothar), rh and Ingrid (Thomas) got dressed in flags too-:)

Two VIP WEBISM members met in Perth/Australia: Brigitte Hoppstock and Chris Marshall

It happened again: In November 2010 two WEBISM members met in real life!!!

Brigitte Hoppstock from Neufahrn (Munich)/Germany (lh) met with Chris Marshall, Perth/Australia.


PEACE & LOVE flag project by Professor Victor Vidal, Copenhagen, Denmark in cooperation with WEBISM

VIP WEBISM member Heinz Sterzenbach, Berlin invites YOU to open studio tour on Nov 13

Hallo und guten Tag,

der Herbst gilt als die an Veranstaltungen reichste Zeit des Jahres. Daher erlaube ich mir auf einen wichtigen Termin für alle Kunstinteressierten schon jetzt hinzuweisen:

Samstag, 13. November 2010, 18 – 24 Uhr
"Lange Nacht der Ateliers" im Kunstzentrum Tegel-Süd Neheimer Str. 54-60, 13507 Berlin.

Mehr als 30 Künstlerinnen und Künstler des Hauses öffnen ihre Ateliers und präsentieren ihre Arbeiten von Malerei über Grafik, Bildhauerei, Fotografie, Glas-, Metall-, Textilkunst und etliches mehr.
Mit Live-Musik und Lesungen sowie einem Atelier-Gewinnspiel wird ein abwechslungsreiches Programm geboten.
Auch für das leibliche Wohl der Besucher wird gesorgt. Der Eintritt ist frei!

In meinem Atelier im 2.OG/Raum 203 zeige ich sowohl neueste Werke als auch Arbeiten der letzten Jahre.

Termin bitte vormerken und dann bis dahin!
Mit freundlichem Gruß

Heinz Sterzenbach
Maler & Grafiker
Atelier im Kunstzentrum Tegel-Süd
Neheimer Str. 54-60, 13507 Berlin-Tegel, Tel. 030-434 004 70


Eine Email von:

Maler & Grafiker

Atelier im Kunstzentrum Tegel-Süd
Neheimer Str. 54-60, Raum 203
13507 Berlin
Tel. 030/434 004 70




VIP WEBISM Member Wolf Tekook's Solo Art Show in Cologne, Germany

Meet Wolf in Cologne's Artclub Galerie, listen to his interview and get your "Philemon and Baucis" handsigned art book.

Vom 20. bis 31. August 2010 sind ausgewählte Bilder aus der Reihe Philemon und Baucis in einer Einzelausstellung der artClub- Galerie, Melchiorstraße 14, 50670 (Agnesviertel, nahe Ebertplatz) zu sehen.

Vernissage: 20. August 2010, 19:00 bis 23:00

Öffnungszeiten: MO bis SO 15:00 bis 20:00

Am Samstag, 28. August 2010, ab 20:00 stelle ich mich im Rahmen der Speed Art Porträts den Fragen des Galeristen Parzival und des Publikums zu meinen aktuellen Kunstprojekten.

Es wird die Möglichkeit bestehen, signierte Exemplare des Buches Philemon und Baucis, 2009 erschienen im Shaker Media Verlag, 148 Seiten, Hardcover Größe 20 x 27 cm ISBN: 978-3-86858-243-7 Preis: 44,90 € zu erwerben.


Nice folks from the new WEBISM town Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Anton Maurer and Astrid Nehlich of "Möbel Maurer", Hauptstr. 34, D-82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen. I love my new kitchen! You are what you eat.


Latest "Helmspark-Galerie" activities

Helmspark-Galerie curators Johanna Renate Wöhlke und Wolf Tekook (in front of lh artwork) introduce their latest art show. For details visit: http://www.helmspark-galerie.de/


Thomas Schmid, 1st Mayor of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Upper Bavaria and Ingrid Kamerbeek presenting the WEBISM Logo

Today, July 22, 2010, Thomas and I went to the town hall reception for new citizens of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. 1st Mayor Thomas Schmid gave speech and presented a nice film about our new hometown. We got some nice drinks and the friendly mayor presented the WEBISM logo along with Ingrid Kamerbeek. He's glad to have our international movement with office in Garmisch-Partenkirchen now.


VIP WEBISM Member Johanna Renate Wöhlke Reinvented the Egg

copyright Johanna Renate Wöhlke

Visit Johanna's blog and find out details about her many upcoming shows and more. You should meet this stunning woman!


VIP WEBISM Member Parys St. Martin's Art Chosen For IEEE Magazine Cover

WOW, CONGRATS to our WEBISM member of the first hour Parys St. Martin, Durango, Colorado, USA! Her artwork is on the front cover of the July/Aug 2010 issue of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications magazine with a two page feature inside. The article on her mentions that she belongs to the World Wide Webists group!

Visit Parys' website...

VIP WEBISM Member Olga Pavlova also successful as jewelry designer

photo copyright by VIP WEBISM member Nicolai Miniuc

Olga Pavlova wearing one of her many wonderful jewelry creations.


"I love to play with beads!"

Visit Olga at facebook...


VIP WEBISM Member and Speleologist Herbert W. Franke

As you all know Herbert W. Franke not only is one of the most famous German science fiction authors but moreover a computer graphics pioneer as well as active in future studies and a speleologist (caving). Here you can see him (3rd from rh side) celebrating the 100th anniversary of DACHSTEIN CAVES in Obertraun, Austria. Since 1914 about 10 million people visited the ice caves of which 280 km have been investigated.


Ursula Freer, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, VIP WEBISM Member - Success Story from LA, USA

Ursula Freer's work will be exhibited in a touring art exhibition at the A&I gallery in Los Angeles, see above postcard for details.

The exhibit is hosted by the environmental organization Common Ground http://www.commonground2010.com/ which first began touring in Beijing, China in 2008.

Ursula's art will be on sale as part of the limited edition set to support this non-profit organization.

Visit Ursula Freer's artsite!

André Maitre, Moutier, Switzerland SOLO SHOW - VIP WEBISM Member

André Maitre solo at

rue Industrielle 98
Moutier, Switzerland, 2740Phone:
+41 78 93

Visit the artist's website for details!


PYGOYA starts new 2010 Cyberbabies Art Show and invites WEBISM members to get into permanent online show...

copyright: Dr. Rodney Chang (Pygoya)2010

Put your latest art (cyberbabies) online at your website, send your link url to Pygoya or Ingrid at webismmail@yahoo.com. Pygoya will link to your page if your art is chosen. Good luck!

"Cyberbabies 2010 for a Green Planet"


Hot Pygoyan Lava art

For more click here...

VIP WEBISM member Brigitta Krause 2010 activities

Brigitta Krause:

"...nun läuft die Ausstellung und Presse und im Netz ist auch einiges zu sehen
was im Kultur- und Bürgerhaus in Marne zu unserem 30 jährigen Jubiläum
angelaufen ist, um nur etwas zu nennen.

Blick auf die eine Seite...

Insgesamt bin ich an 4 laufenden Ausstellungen vertreten
in Marne- cloisonnage und Mooreiche, sowie auch ein grosses digitales auf
Leinwand, in Flensburg "kleinstes Kino mit einen Film- BANK peanuts", in
Eckernförde im Rathaus, wo wir gestern auch eine Performance gemacht
haben, sowie in Hohenegg digital auf Leinwand, ab 16. Juni dann auch in
Kiel - das experimentelle Buch."

Brigitta Krause and husband PeKa (also an artist) are on show at

Kultur- und Bürgerhaus Marne
Schillerstraße 11
25709 Marne, Germany

on behalf of their 30th anniversary in the art world!!!

There are 4 art shows up right now representing Brigitta's artwork. Please visit her website for detailed information: http://artb4.de/krause/aktuell.htm


WEBISM term COINER and co-founder PYGOYA at LA

PYGOYA and family in LA...

Visit www.lastplace.com for more exciting news from and about Dr. Rodney Chang (PYGOYA).

VIP WEBISM member André Maître shows at FORUM DE L'ARC Moutier, Switzerland

VIP WEBISM member André Maître preparing his big art show "Carte Blanche".

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: FORUM DE L'ARC Moutier
Street: rue Industrielle 98

For more pics and details visit André at facebook.

Solo exhibition by VIP WEBISM member Elisa Pritzker

"Black Zipper" by Elisa Pritzker

Franklin 54 Gallery's fall season will start on September 16th with "Zipped", a solo exhibition of new works by Elisa Pritzker.

Franklin 54 Gallery + Projects
526 West 26th Street Rm 403
New York, NY 10001

Joyce Pommer, Director
Elisa Pritzker, Curator for "The Easels"


Latest art show by VIP WEBISM member Norbert Strippel

Visit Norbert's website...


VIP WEBISM member Prof. Dr. Herbert W. Franke introduces 3D exhibition space!!!!
CLICK HERE for more information.


WEBISM COINER PYGOYA presents Little Rock Marathon Art Show

Photography by participating marathoner, Dr. Rodney Chang of Honolulu
Copyright © 2010 Rodney Chang All Rights Reserved

Artful Little Rock
by Rodney Pygoya Chang



Listen to VIP WEBISM member Cindy Coleman...

Cindy's having a show right now in Monte Vista, Colorado/USA (about 2 hours from Bayfield).

It opened two weeks ago and here's a great video clip:


Cindy presents about 30 paintings in the show (all the ones you see on the wall) and it's up throughout March.

Cindy Coleman


Support the Haiti Art Fund - open till March 31, 2010

YOU can still get amazing art for a reasonable price and at the same time help the children of Haiti. Hurry up, Monkdogz Urban Art Gallery Haiti Art Auction will close on March 31!


Big THANK YOU to the WEBISM VIP members who donated their art for the good cause!
Big THANK YOU also to Mirca Group members!


BIG News from VIP WEBISM member Ursula Freer, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Ursula Freer:
"My art is on the cover of the March/April scientific Magazine:
“IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications” along with a two page
article inside. http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cga/home"


VIP WEBISM member Elisa Pritzker as curator of NYC Art Show

Elisa Pritzker . artist & curator
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